(pronounced: vee-oh-LET reh-kords)
/viˈəˌlɛt ˈrɛkərdz/

Violette Records is a Liverpool and Paris-based record label run by Matt Lockett, Pascal Blua, and PJ Smith. Since 2013, the label is rooted in the belief that music and art create life-affirming value for the artist and their audience.

We align with artists whose vision resonates with ours, then step back. This is about creating conditions where meaningful work can emerge on its own terms.

We believe in talented artists as humans making sense of the world through sound and words. We remain committed to music that matters because it speaks of the complicated experience of being alive.

Philippe Dufour

Risha Alimchandani, Rob Allen, Chris Anderson, Théophile Armani, Arthur Arnold, Stéphane Auzenet, Stephen Beckwith, Marc Bessant, Paul Birtill, Gerry Braiden, Peter Buck, David Butcher, Darcie Chazen, Sam Christie, Iain Conroy, Carl Cook, Kira Courtney, Tim Cunningham, Darcie and Sian, Tim Davidson, Andy Diagram, Matthieu Dufour, Philippe Dufour, Carl Egger, Nick Ellis, Matteo Fernandes, Paul Fitzgerald, Andy Frizzell, Jane Gallagher, Toria Garbutt, Chris Geddes, David Glover, Matthieu Grunfeld, Austen Harris, Charlie McKeon, Austen Harris, Mark "Harry" Harris, Joanne Head, Michael Head, Rachel Jack, Simon James, Arvin Johnson, John Johnson, Stevie Jones, Eimear Kavanagh, Tim Keegan, Gilles de Kerdrel, Stuart Kidd, Jake Kyle, Lindsay Jamieson, Chris Latham, James Leesley, Fred LeFalher, Martha Lockett, David Lovenbury, Anne Lundon, Simon Mason, Mary McCombs, Jim McCulloch, Raymond McGinley, Kevin McGuinness, Dave McGowan, Iain “Skinnie” McFarlane, Brian McHenry, Gordon McNeil, Mark McNulty, Danny Murphy, Gary “Bandit” Murphy, Phil Murphy, Vicky Mutch, Pete Paphides, Alex Pester, Briony Powell, Steve Powell, Tom Powell, Ed Rimmer, Tom Roberts, Sophie Rocks, Dan Rogers, Jess Rose, All the good people of Shacknet, Nick Sharp, Anna Sheard, Rod Skipp, Martin Smith, Sarah Spoor, Adam Stearns, Brian Sweeney, Jamie Taylor, Sarah Thomas, Karina Townsend, Louis Teyssedou, Yves Tronet, Eddie Wigin, David Wiggins, Peter Wilkinson, Nina Windsor-Roe, Angela Yates and John Canning Yates.
