Suspended Tickets

A suspended ticket is one you buy as a kind gesture that we will donate to someone less fortunate.

A caffè sospeso (Italian for "suspended coffee") is a pre-paid coffee given as an anonymous act of charity. This tradition started in the working-class cafés of Naples. Here, a person with good fortune would pay for two coffees but only consume one. Later, a less fortunate individual could ask if any sospeso was available and receive a free coffee. The caffè sospeso has been identified as a symbol of grassroots social solidarity and has been adopted in order to promote kindness and caring.

A suspended item is an advance purchase made for someone in need, regardless of the reason. However, it represents much more than just the transaction. It offers comfort, conversation, a smile and a sense of belonging. A suspended item can change lives.

Kindness comes in various forms, which inspired the introduction of the "suspended ticket" at our La Violette Società bi-monthly events starting in July 2018. When you purchase a suspended ticket, it becomes available to someone who would value the chance to join us at the event but cannot afford it. Any unclaimed tickets are extended as invitations to people in our broader community and support networks, who would greatly appreciate your generous offer. Rest assured, every suspended ticket will reach someone who appreciates it.

How do I buy a suspended ticket?

It’s really simple. First, you go to our online ticket office and you will have an option to buy a ticket or a suspended ticket. Instead of buying just one ticket, you are invited to buy two or more. You buy one ticket for yourself and one suspended ticket for someone in need. The ticket office gives you your ticket, then logs the second ticket as “suspended”.

What is my money really paying for?

Your money will provide a ticket for someone who would appreciate your gesture to attend the event. Additionally, all revenue from suspended tickets and profits from the entire event will be evenly distributed among the acts and artists performing at the event. Violette Records does not take any share of the profits or revenue from these tickets.

Who am I helping?

You not only support someone in need, you also support your local artists as well as helping to restore a little faith in humanity.

Who is eligible to receive the free ticket?

A suspended ticket is for anyone; it's not our place to judge who needs it. If someone asks, they need it. This reminds us that no matter how isolated or downhearted you feel, there's always someone who cares.

Yes, it’s just a ticket, but it’s about more than the ticket.


La Violette Società 36